BNH 1-5 Year Representative Season Ends on a High Note
We would like thank all our representatives who played for North Harbour in the 1-5 Year Tournament at Claudelands Hamilton on Sunday.
Especially proud of the Mens 1-5 Year performance once again against Auckland,
Northland and Waikato with Harbour achieving the highest points total.
This combined with a very good performance from the Womens 1-5 Year Team resulting in North Harbour coming second overall.
A big thank you to our Mens Year 5 bowlers who now retire from our team as we have certainly valued their confidence, experience, loyalty and excellent friendship as team members.
Special thanks go to Bob Telfer, Jerry Belcher, Phillip Chisholm, Gordon Jenkins and David Payne.
We are now recruiting new members for a Mens 1-5 Yr Development Squad for next season so are calling on all clubs to forward further names as their recommendations for future BNH Representatives.
Please email Ian McKenzie [email protected] or Murray West [email protected]